Concerts and Travel til 2019?

Yes I am thinking about it!! The real question can I afford it career wise and financially?

These are big questions being out of work; you can read more about it in “2018 It’s Been Tough or Has It?

Not only is their limited income, unemployment isn’t much of a benefit, but there’s COBRA, general expenses and some costly work on my home that needs to be done.


Career Affordability

From a ‘career’ aspect it’s probably not smart to have a very large gap on my resume. Notice the word career is in quotes as I often wonder if there is such a thing; do most of us have a career or do we just have a job?

According to Google the definition of career:

an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress.

Not sure I have ever felt like there was a true opportunity for progress in any of my positions. Sure I was somewhere for 14 years and became a Vice President of the company but what progress did I really make? More responsibility, more work, a little more pay? Is that any different then my friends kid that went to work at Target for minimum wage and was regularly getting raises til she went to college?

So the gap in my resume isn’t good but I guess I could always get my next job at Target right? Who am I kidding, they probably wouldn’t hire me!

On the other side of the ‘career’ part can I NOT AFFORD to do it? Here I am a couple of months out of work, no real prospects and I haven’t done much other then a bunch of interviews which got me nowhere, lots of concerts and I started


Escaping Life 3 Hours At A Time


SO!!! Is it worth a little debt for a lot more life experience? I am thinking it might be which brings us to

Financial Affordability

Finances are something everyone deals with, worries about and is probably one of the most stressful things in all our lives. Don’t get me wrong if I had millions of dollars I’d probably not think much about them or WOULD I??

Personally if I had a lot of money I wouldn’t give it much thought. My goal would be to spend it all and if it was a ton of money like Powerball winnings I’d give a bunch away to friends. Sadly, for those of my friends actually reading this, I didn’t win!

However I believe, and could be wrong, wealthy people are more concerned about money than poor people. Am I crazy to think if you’re poor and don’t have much wealth you’re kind of thankful for what you have and live day to day? Is my speculation insane that wealthy people fear losing their money more and probably have a lot more debt as well?

I’d be curious what others think; feel free to comment.

In my case I am neither poor nor wealthy which is the dilemma. The dilemma being there are definitely bills that need to be paid, upkeep on a place to live, and all the crap we have become accustomed to, ya know like cell phones, cable, ELECTRIC! LOL and of course things like healthcare (uggh a rant for another time) and the dreaded taxes.

As Benjamin Franklin said

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

It was true over 200 years ago when he said it and is still true today. My next big fat check gets written in December to my town.

I have to give those things a lot of thought plus what if I decide to do it and then can’t get a job in January? More to consider yet Concerts and Travel do seem like a good distraction from all this thinking.  

So what’s the plan??

There’s no real plan yet. In 8 days I am headed to Louisville, KY for Bourbon & Beyond.

Louisville is such a great city which doesn’t need any help. However this amazing festival, in it’s second year, embraces and enhances everything that makes it great;

Who needs anything more?

After Bourbon & Beyond I’ll head to Nashville for a few days to see friends and enjoy that great city before returning to Louisville and amping it up with Louder Than Life.

Whereas Bourbon & Beyond is laid back, people bring lawn chairs and park themselves in a spot to take in their surroundings, Louder Than Life is mosh pits, hard rock and metal! One might think that makes these festivals opposites but the fundamentals are there for both; good food, good booze and good people enjoying the music they love.

It will be a great 10 days that will include all of the above as well as visits with my friends at Angel’s Envy, Rabbit Hole Distillery, my annual trip to Against The Grain Brewery, some food at Doc Crow’s Southern Smokehouse and there’s sure to be much more in the mix.

What’s beyond (pun intended)?

Well as much as I have no plan, I have a plan, well somewhat of a plan that is.

I had no idea I’d be out of work when I purchased tickets a year ago but beyond Kentucky in November I am headed back to Dublin. A long weekend for a couple of pints of Guinness, they are better in Dublin, trust me, and my 8th and 9th U2 shows in Ireland. For those unaware, U2 happens to be one of my favorite bands and it’s always an experience seeing them in Ireland.

As you can imagine, I am all for seeing a concert while traveling or traveling to one, which is always fun, but U2 at home brings it to a new level. If you’re a fan and ever have a chance to go don’t miss it!

After 3 nights in Ireland I return and four days later I am off to Egypt. Egypt is one of only three absolutes left on my bucket list. Sure there are MANY places I want to and plan to go but this one has been top of the list since I knocked Easter Island off; you can read about that  in ‘Adventures of a “Rock” Photographer

I am pretty fascinated with history and well, between you and me, I hope to see one of the aliens that built the pyramids. You don’t believe it’s true? Well I am not sure but now maybe you’re paying attention or will be when I write about it. I’ve wanted to go to Egypt my entire life so aliens or no aliens it’s going to be the trip of a lifetime.

The Egypt trip puts me at the end of November so, do I come home? Do I resign myself to not having a job since I have already resigned myself to not having a career? Some think it’s irresponsible for me to consider this but then I think to myself (or to you) I work/worked hard shouldn’t I enjoy some of the fruits of my labor or at least enjoy some fruits on an Amex, Visa or Mastercard?

Your thoughts?

So do I run up debt by continuing on with money spending and world travel? Maybe see some more of the middle east, head back to Asia, road trip across the US? Maybe I should set up a go fund me page, how do you guys feel about paying for this? Just a thought.

Honestly I don’t know the answer(s) and here is where I’m at.. A blog that has no ending, yet, it’s a cliff hanger so give me some opinions people!!

While I wait for your thought I am off to take a walk and play Powerball maybe even MegaMillions; cross your fingers.

One Comment on “Concerts and Travel til 2019?”

  1. Love this post. Travel is always a fantastic option, a great getaway, and I would love to accompany you to Ireland to see you too. The crazy answer to your question is just have fun, but the practical side of me says you need a job to pay for all this. There’s a spot open in my tutoring center, but doubt that’s your forte. Keep writing no matter what you decide to do. I’m enjoying it.❤️

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